The Chinese New Year is a time of celebration of the new year but it is also a time for the Chinese to make sure that the next year brings in lots of good luck, wealth and fortune. This is the time of year that all Chinese follow ancient traditions or superstitions. To welcome the new year and send out the old year families shoot of fire crackers and by opening all of the doors and windows on midnight. The Chinese believe that what you do on the Chinese New Year will reflect your life for the rest of the year. Some examples are, are not eating meat on the new year for this means you will have a happy life, only eating non cut noodles means you will have a long life as well. Plants are a symbol of rebirth and growth so they are often kept around the house during new years. Cleaning the house is said to be very bad on new years day as it is said that it will sweep away good fortune. This is why many all cleaning is done before new years and all cleaning supplies are put away. After New Years day floors may be swept but the dust must not be taken out for five days. All dirt must never be taken out the front door.
Also on the Chinese New Year foul language must not be spoken and any words sounding like death or meaning death should not be said either. Ghost stores or memories from the past year should not be said either as a way to look towards the future. Crying on new years day can mean that you will cry for the rest of the year and loaning money or having debt on this day is believed to mean that you will be loaning money for the rest of the year.
Although this seems like a lot to go by Chinese people believe strongly in their culture, pride, and heritage and hope that it will be passed down through good will and fortune to generations to come.
Another way that Chinese people practice superstitions is through their houses. These believes are carried through out the year instead of just the time around New Years. Feng shui is the relationship between nature and ourselves to live in harmony. This is usually shown by the placement of furniture, walls and windows. Feng shui translated means wind-water. Feng shui is all about the flow and movement of good positive energy. Some examples of good feng shui are having your beds back to the door, not having the staircase face directly out the main door, and having live plants in every room. Not everyone in China believes in feng shui but many people still do.
There are many other superstitions that are still around today in China about getting married, having a baby, the times in which things are done in a day and lucky numbers and colors. Many people no not believe in every superstition around the world but some like to practice the ones that tie themselves and their family back to their ancestors and create strong bonds for the future. I believe that as China becomes more modernized that these superstitions will gradually go away but if you look hard enough you will still be able to find them.
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