Hey it's Elise! Hows it going? I'm here to tell you all about a place I'd love to visit in Southwestern China; the Himalayas! Here in the Himalayas, it's very cold. The Himalays countain some of the tallest mountains in the world. Including Mt. Everest. They also pass through six countries; China, Nepal, India, Afghanistan, Buhtan, and Pakistan. Also, some of the worlds major rivers begen here, such as the Indus, Ganges, Yangtze, and Brahmapurtra. It's odd to think that the Himalayas are the tallest mountains, even though they are one of the youngest mountain ranges in the world. The Himalayas also get violent storms during the winter seasons, making it harder then usual to get to the tp of Everst. The first group to get to the top of the mountain, was Andrzej Zawada, Leszek Cichy, and Krzystof Wielicki.
Yuo might be wondering; why would anyone in their right mind want to go to the Himalayas? Well, one answer might be that some people just like to hike and reach great hieghts, defeat what poeple think is possible. Another one is that some people might just be crazy. The first answer is what I think is why I am here, but you never know.
Form more information about the Himalayas, go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Everest
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